If you've read THE DRAGONEERS and now find yourself  interested in helping this series progress there are a few little things you can do to help a lot. If you can do any of the following, it will be greatly appreciated:

1. Post a positive customer review at Amazon.

a. You'll need to be logged in to your Amazon account first, then you give the book a star-rating:

5 = you loved it
4 = you liked it
3 = it's okay
2 = you don't like it
1 = you hated it

Generally speaking, a 5 or 4 star review is considered a positive review, a 3 is a neutral review, and a 1 or 2 is considered a negative review.

b. Give your review a title, such as "great book" "loved it" or anything you want to say, but Amazon requires you to give it a title before they'll accept your review.

c. Write your review. This sounds harder than it is, as you only need 20 words. For comparison, this paragraph is over 20 words.

d. Preview your review, to make sure it says what you want it to say and then post it.

That's all there is to posting a review at Amazon.

2. Vote YES on other positive reviews at Amazon. The reviews with the most votes rise to the top of the stack, allowing readers searching for something to read to see them easier. Previous reader enthusiasm carries a lot of weight with people consider which books to take a chance on.

3. Add comments on reviews which you find most intriguing. Whoever wrote them might engage you in a discussion, if you'd like that to happen.

4. Visit C. D. Sutherland's author page and add a like to the top of the page. While you're there you can read and/or add to the discussions at the bottom of the page. Additionally you'll be able to see the other books written by this same author.

5. Tell your friends about this book. If you enjoyed the read, chances are your friends might too.

6. Check out the other books in the series. The Dragoneers was the debut novel. The Lost Dragoneer demonstrates C.D. Sutherland's matured writing techniques and improved processes of Narrow Way Press. Thus if you liked the first book, you will probably love the second book. Book three should be coming out in November 2013, ready for reader assessments.

7. If you've posted a review on Amazon, you can copy and post the same review on goodreads.com. An account is easy to establish and afterward you'll have access to myriads of reviews on other books you might be interested in.

8. You can get more use out of your review by posting it in shelfari, another site for review which is control by Amazon.

9. If you have a twitter account, you can follow C. D. Sutherland at Twitter via @Thecdsutherland and RT information about his books--you'll discover a lot of people are already doing that.

10. If you facebook, you can follow C. D. Sutherland's Author page there, additionally you can follow one or all of the novels in this series at their own fan pages at Amazon.

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