Character List and Pronunciation Guide
Abaddon—(ˈab-ə-dȯn): Fallen angel, ruler of Cosmort--A unique physical creature, extremely tall at eighteen feet, cloven feet, eyes are like a serpent’s eyes, forked tongue--His Nephilim always obey him
Advac—(əd-ˈvak): A member of Susah’s dragoneer crew. She is the defender, who operates a blaster located in the rear of the chariot. After growing-up in Sethopolis, Advac met Susah during basic training in the Sethican Defense Force, but didn’t become close friends until they entered dragoneer training at Castle
Bana—(bə-ˈna): Daughter of Lilith and Unotis
Bizza—(ˈbēt-sə): Run-a-way turned waitress in Lilith’s Lair
Credul—(ˈkrē-dül): Sethican weapons dropper
Dachux—(dä -ˈchək): Commander of the Dragoneer Corps, the flying branch of the Sethican Defense Force. After saving Susah and her three cousins-turned sisters from a street gang, encouraged her to become a dragoneer, against her parents wishes
Deenci—(dē-ˈin-sē): A troll advisor to Lilith
Emzara—(em-ˈzär-ə): Susah’s mother, a healer
Fif—(ˈfīf): Oversaw the major of modern construction in Sethopolis. Human brother of Gopher and Belewe. Lilith killed him in book one of The Chronicles of Susah: THE DRAGONEERS
Glibby—(ˈgli-bē): Manager of the Hotel Carapace equipment issue
Gopher—(ˈgō-fər): Belewe’s twin brother, given the secrets of producing gopherwood and gopherstone by Lilith
Julopsen—(ˈjü-ləp-sen): An infantry soldier in the Sethican Ground Force. Met Susah in basic training, but went they went their separate ways. One of the four surviving members of detail 10-117, which was mostly wiped out during a surprise attack by ogres
Juven—(ˈjü-vən): A member of Susah’s dragoneer crew. He is the navigator, who operates the navigational crystal. Juven met Susah during basic training in the Sethican Defense Force, and was assigned to her crew during their Chariot Crew Training School at Castle
Keenan—(ˈkē-nən): Owner and operator of the Hotel Carapace
Lamech—(lā-ˈmik): Noah’s father, and Commanding General of the Sethican Defense Force
Labas—(lə-ˈbäz): Owner and operator the Labas Shop, across the street from the Hotel Carapace
Leo—(ˈlē-ō): Leader of street gang named Lions.
Lilith—(ˈli-ləth): Master mind and leader of an inner-city underground. Loves to wear orange. Years ago, in a battle with Dachux, lost her left eye, which was replaced with a golden prosthesis with remarkable powers. Controls a crystal skull portal from her lair in Sethopolis. Seeks the powers of the garden inside of Eden in order to maker herself more powerful. Dangerous woman to cross
Majmas—(ˈmäj məz) A major and the leader of Abaddon’s security force of ogres at Cosmort
Methuselah—(mə-ˈthü-zə-lə): The ruling elder of Sethica. The father of Lamech
Niec—(ˈnī-ek): An infantry soldier in the Sethican Ground Force. First cousin of Tumblet. Met Susah in basic training, but upon graduation, they went their separate ways. One of the four surviving members of detail 10-117, which was mostly wiped out during a surprise attack by ogres.
Noah—(ˈnō-ə): Susah’s father. Son of Lamech. Says God talks to him. Building an Ark in his backyard.
Pais—(ˈpā-ez): She-ogre, who labored for Gopher until she was acquired by Lilith, mostly to tend her bar while dressed like Lilith.
Pytho—(ˈpī-ˌthō): Alpha male jouster dragon of the almond grove
Rek—(ˈrek): Cainite Colonel in Náamah’s military. Begins book two on a covert mission for his king.
Ruse—(ˈrüs): Cainite Captain and loyal assistance to Rek.
Sarge—(ˈsärj): Supervisor of the Hotel Carapace security force.
Sergeant Til—(ˈsärj-gent təl): Susah's drill instructor during basic military training, a tough as nails soldier
Shamgar—(ˈsham-gär): A member of Susah’s dragoneer crew. He is the pilot, who operates the chariot controls to keep coordinated flight behind the team of four two-headed dragons pulling it through the sky. Suspected to have a crush on Susah. Though diminutive in statue, boldly stands his ground in bar-fights. Was assigned to Susah’s crew after they met during Chariot Crew Training School at Castle.
Skipper—(ˈski-pər): An ogre who commands a cargo ship, the Arabiah, which transports people and goods between Cosmort and Port Nod.
Susah—(ˈsü-zə): The dragoneer, a captain in the Defense Force, who is the daughter of Noah and Emzara. She left home to do something with her life, as she didn’t want to help build the ark, or anything else.
Swill—(ˈswil): Daughter of Bana, grand daughter of Lilith.
Trapeza—(trəˈpiːz): Owner of the Bank of Enos
Tumblet—(ˈtəm-blət): An infantry soldier in the Sethican Ground Force. First cousin of Niec. Met Susah in basic training, but later they went their separate ways. Leader and one of the four surviving members of detail 10-117, which was mostly wiped out during a surprise attack by ogres. Noted for being big, blonde, and hot-headed.
Unotis—(ˈün-ōdəs) Richest man in Sethica. Married to Lilith.
Valken—(ˈval-kən) A young dragon
Vonic—(vä-nik): An infantry soldier in the Sethican Ground Force. Grew up in a wealthy family in Sethopolis, used to the good life until she joined the military. Hoped to become a dragoneer, but didn’t make the cut. Met Susah in basic training, but later they went their separate ways. One of the four surviving members of detail 10-117, which was mostly wiped out during a surprise attack by ogres.
Kinds of Giants
Daemon—(ˈdā-mən): Human female transformed into a Nephilim egg producing entity via her surrender to a Fallen Angel’s invitation.
Fink—(ˈfiŋk): Any drunken giant
Hogre—(ˈhō-gər): Self sustaining race of giants, can also be produced by Ogre and human procreation. Adults averages seven to eight feet tall and at least 300 pounds
Nephilim—(ne FY lem): Unclean spirits, who obtained a physical body through the use of Daemons, willing human females. Bigger and tougher than ogres, always subject to a particular fallen angel, but not all of them. Averages about twelve feet tall and nearly 1200 pounds.
Ogre—(ˈō-gər): Self sustaining race of giants, can also be produced by Nephilim and human procreation. Averages about ten feet tall and 600 pounds
Troll—(ˈtrōl): A messenger or spy for an unclean spirit, usually a Nephilim. Consumes blood and infects people with Troll Fever. Small and stinky, often less than five feet tall and about 75 pounds.
Adah—(ə-ˈdə): Slave trading center
Cosmort—(ˈkäz-mȯrt): Commerce center on the east side of the South Sea
Hotel Carapace—(hō-ˈtel ˈker-ə-ˌpās): The most opulent hotel in Sethopolis
Ladon River—(ˈlā-dän riˈ-vər)
Labas Shop—(lə-ˈbäz ˈshäp): Clothing and durable goods store in Sethopolis
Lernaean River—(lərˈnēən riˈ-vər):
Hydra River—(ˈhī-drə riˈ-vər)
Colchian River—(ˈkäl-kən riˈ-vər)
Náamah—(ˈnā ä-mä): Homeland of Colonel Rek, the last Cainite-controlled nation
Nearby Village—(nir-ˈbī ˈvi-lij): Affluent gated community just to the west of Sethopolis
Midway Village—(ˈmid-wā ˈvi-lij): Busy industrial town, halfway between Sethopolis and the garden of Eden.
Port Nod—(ˈpȯrt ˈnäd): A desolate port city south of Sethica’s border on the Gihon River.
Sethica—(ˈseth-ə-kə): Homeland of Susah
Sethopolis—(ˈseth-äp-ə-ləs): Capitol of Sethica, divided into 12 municipalities. Elul (e-ˈlül), Av (ˈa-və) in the west, Tishrei (ˈtish-rē), Cheshvan (ˈkēsh-van) and Kislev (ˈkis-ləf) in the north; Nisan (nē-ˈsän), Iyar (ˈē-ˌyär), and Sivan (ˈsi-vən) in the east; and Tevet (ˈtā-vet) Adar (ä-ˈdär,), and Shevat (ˈshə-vat) in the south. The 12th municipality is Enos (ˈē-nəs), at the heart of the city. A former municipality Tammuz (ˈtä-ˌmu̇z) was absorbed by Tishrei and Av during the Serpent War.
Terms of Measurement
Credit—(ˈkre-dit): paper money issued by some banks in Sethopolis, value fluctuates based on the exchange rate, other paper money issued by banks are called confusingly called gerah, shekel or mina, which are traditional terms for actual weights of precious metal coins.
Cubit—(ˈkyü-bət): about 18 inches, or about 0.46 meter
Furlong—(ˈfər-ˌlȯŋ): about 1/8 of a statue mile, or about 0.2 kilometers
Gerah (ˈgir-ə)—gold weight/coin about .02 ounces, 1/20 of a shekel
League—(ˈlēg): about 3 statue miles, or a little less than 5 kilometers
Mina—(ˈmī-nə): 1.26 pounds of gold, equal to 50 shekels
Months of the Sethican calendar—Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, and Adar.
Talent—(ˈta-lənt): about 75 pounds, or about 34 kilograms, equal to 3000 shekels or 60 mina
Shekel (ˈshe-kəl)—0.4 ounce of gold, or a little less than 12 grams
Silver Shekel (ˈsil-vər ˈshe-kəl)—0.4 ounce of silver, or a little less than 12 grams, 16 silver shekel equal 1 shekel